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The Arrest



Ante in predstavnik prišlekov sta si segla v roke. Tedaj pa se je zgodilo…

"Stoj! Roke kvišku! Hände hoch! Takoj, sofort!"

V naslednjem hipu so barako in njeno okolico osvetlili močni žarometi. Z vseh strani so iz podrastja vstajali do zob oboroženi specialci z naperjenimi puškami.

Scena, ki sem jo narisala za knjigo Aleša Tacerja "Zlati Ključ". V tem prizoru policija razkrinka zlikovce zahvaljujoč Tuni in Klemenu, ravno ko so sklenili kupčijo. Le kakšna kupčija je bila?

Druge scene:
Nočno Opazovanje: [link]
Uta: [link]
Tuna Sanjari: [link]
Poljub: [link]
Skrivno Sporočilo: [link]
Veliko Odkritje: [link]

Platnica knjige: [link]

Ante and the representative of the newcomers reached to shake hands. Then it happened…

"Stop! Freeze! Hände hoch! Now, sofort!"

In the next moment strong searchlights lightened up the hut and its surroundings. Fully equipped specialists came from all directions out of the bushes, with guns directed at the men.

A scene I drew for the book "Zlati Ključ" (Eng: Golden Key) from the writer Aleš Tacer. In this scene the police arrested the criminals, thanks to Tuna and Klemen as they were just making the deal. What kind of deal was it?

Other scenes:
Nigtly Lookout: [link]
The Shack: [link]
Tuna Daydreams: [link]
The Kiss: [link]
The Secret Message: [link]
The Big Discovery: [link]

Book cover: [link]
Image size
1084x1724px 554.16 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Mclawliet
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sillynoseygirl's avatar
Awww I always love your drawings! This one is as great as usual! :)